On one of the alleys that ends up in La Rambla del Raval, there is this beautiful mural showing the multiethnic diversity that characterizes this neighborhood in the old part of Barcelona city. Unfortunately, it is hard to know who created this art. I hope the author reads this post and gives their name.
It is not strange that artistic manifestations reflect reality: El Raval quarter represents 3% of Barcelona's population. There are almost 45,000 people per square kilometer in this area, a figure that clearly doubles the 16,000 people per square kilometer for the whole city. More than half of the inhabitants in El Raval are immigrants. In 2012, there was an 18% increase in the number of immigrants in Barcelona, while there was a 49% increase for El Raval alone. Many nationalities are represented in this part of town, but the most significant in terms of members are Pakistan, the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Morocco.