Barcelona Photoblog: birds
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

September 10, 2010

Birds of Pray: Golden Eagle, Catalonia, Spain

Eastern Imperial Eagle at Cim d'Aligues, Catalonia
Eastern Imperial Eagle at Cim d'Aligues, Catalonia

For bird enthusiasts and passionate animal lovers here is this Golden Eagle specimen. There was a very similar image in Barcelona Photoblog in the past but I could not resist publishing a second shot. Maybe it has happened to you that you visit some place, take a good series of pictures of the same subject hoping to catch that special moment and just a couple of them out of ten completely satisfy you, perhaps even just one. Then you get home and for some mysterious reason choose the wrong shot to use in your post. Well, sometimes those forgotten images well deserve a second chance. Whatever the final choice is, this is a magnificent animal and you could admire her too if you visit Cim d'Aligues (Eagles' Peak).

Note: Members of Cim d'Ă€ligues' page on Facebook have made this important clarification: 'It's not a golden eagle, it's a young Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)'. Thanks so much for correcting my mistake!

January 11, 2010

Owl on Watchtower

Owl on Watchtower at Eagles' Peak Reservation [enlarge]

Under the warm light of the afternoon an owl scrutinizes the ground for small preys. From the watchtower, her vision controls every move of the animal trainer at the bird show in Cim d'Aligues park. The girl is holding a mouse in the protective glove at a considerable distance, far enough for the human eye not to be able to tell the glove from the pray. If you want to know more about this park check previous posts here.

December 09, 2009

Still Life: Wild Partridge Showcase, La Boqueria Market, Barcelona

Wild Partridge Showcase, La Boqueria Market, Barcelona, Spain

Like a painting depicting hunting trophies or a still life portraying dead animals, specially those of hares and birds, appeared before my eyes, imbued with a ghostly bluish-yellowish light, the wild game stand in La Boqueria market. From the mixture of species on display, I cropped this rack of wild partridges so you could take a good peek at the strange artistic beauty that inspired painters in the past, at that mysterious blend of nature, food, life and death evoked with traditional austerity in many Spanish bodegones where dead animals hung from a hook waiting to be skinned and free of any banquet luxury or adornment so often present in similar paintings from other countries in Baroque times. I know this is just a picture of dead wild partridges and you may not find it artistic at all but I wanted you to think about this aspect of painting and the peculiar relationship between art, men and dead animals regarded as something aesthetic.

May 22, 2009

Captive Vulture


Vultures, feed on corpses or carrion. Scavengers as they are they do the dirty job for us like many creatures in this world who are there for something. They keep the delicate balance, the ecological equilibrium. Take a look at that bill used to tear dead meat apart, the perfect tool for a nauseating task. Imagine this vulture gliding above the Iberian peninsula spotting putrid preys. What a wonderful invention of nature, a spontaneous garbage man that only works for the food. Isn't that great? This guy was captive though and doesn't have the chance to go on a cleaning spree often. The picture I took in Cim d'Aligues mentioned in: Golden Eagle and Girl Holding Eagle.

May 05, 2009

Eastern Imperial Eagle at Cim D'Aligues, Barcelona

Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila Heliaca at Cim D'Aligues, near Barcelona

This is a young Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). The purpose of my blog is not to offer accurate taxonomy or deepen into the biology of any given animal I happen to photograph, although being concise does not mean saying: "this a bird!". The eagle is one of the many species of birds of prey that can be admired at Cim d'Aligues, a special center on the hills of Sant Feliu de Codines near Barcelona.

There is an old post with a link and some further explanation about Cim d'Aligues (Eagles' Peak). If you have time try to reach this town. There is a magnificent view of the valley once you are inside the aviary. During the day there is a show where trained vultures, owls, hawks or eagles are released and claimed with bait using falconry techniques. You can admire them gliding over your head and exploring the neighboring lower areas. They take some time to return but eventually they are all back.

July 16, 2007

Seagull in Costa Brava

Seagull in Costa Brava[enlarge]

This snapshot of a juvenile seagull I took from about 2 meters distance using my 18-70 mm nikkor lens. I approached her little by little, squatting slowly till the nearest rock. Water was still coming out of her beak so I guess she was still digesting her food. There was a gentle breeze and we were both alone on top of the promontory, people down there in the cove basking under the sun. With scrutinizing eyes she followed my every movement but was too clumsy to fly with her full stomach. I had to stand on my feet with a sudden gesture to make the beautiful bird soar over summer air. Here is the same seagull against the darker background of brown algae accumulated along the rocky shore in Costa Brava.

June 19, 2007

Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together

Fishing sitting ducks at Tibidabo Amusement park
Ducks at Tibidabo amusement park

Of course if you intend to deepen into amusement parks you ought to deal with other fair attractions different from thrill rides, as it is the case of sideshows and side stalls.

Freak shows are something of the past now but you still have magic mirrors, fortune telling machines and classic string puppet shows in Tibidabo. As to the side stalls there is not much of a difference with other amusement parks.

This is the case of the rubber ducks. How many can you hook? Apparently easy if they only stopped moving for just one second!

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