Barcelona Photoblog: cosmocaixa
Showing posts with label cosmocaixa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmocaixa. Show all posts

January 16, 2008

Brain Cut at Cosmocaixa Science Museum, Barcelona, Spain

Brain Cut at Cosmocaixa Science Museum, Barcelona, Spain [enlarge]

Where did all the knowledge go? In what secret chamber were my feelings stored? Which intricate volutes concealed the mistery of my soul? My nightmares, my childhood, my secrets, all that love, my deja vus, my premonitions, my nostalgy, my fears, is that all erased forever more? My humanity, my morality, my religion, my sense of beauty, my taboos, my sexuality! Oh Lord! What mighty purpose is there behind experiencing life so vividly and having to perish by natural laws?
The brain cut that serves as the inspiration for this philosophical conundrum was photographed inside Cosmocaixa Science Museum. In case you want to know more about your brain take a look at The History of the Brain

December 23, 2007

Australopithecus Afarensis: Lucy at Cosmocaixa Science Museum


Australopithecus Afarensis, in this case the female called Lucy as part of the Civilized Matter exhibition in Cosmocaixa Science Museum, in other words, a narration about the evolution of man in the last 100.000 years (more at the official Cosmocaixa site, although not in English). Perhaps you want to know about australopithecus or even the story of Lucy itself so I recommend this site where you can admire another reproduction of the famous afarensis that goes by the name of Lucy.

November 03, 2007

CosmoCaixa Science Museum: Exotic Aquarium

CosmoCaixa Science Museum: Exotic Aquarium [enlarge]

This fish I photographed at Cosmocaixa Science Museum (check mark on map). There is a big tank with exotic species in a simulation of a jungle habitat in the Amazonian rivers. I can't tell you what it is. It looks like a snook to me because of the shape but it doesn't have a lateral stripe. There were also pirannas in there. There is a part of the tank where you have the water level at the reach of your hands, there is no protection, just a sign that says "watch it, pirannas are carnivore fish" although someone told me there is a herbivore specimen. I suggest you don't try to find out.

October 08, 2007

Spiral Staircase at CosmoCaixa Science Museum

Spiral Staircase at CosmoCaixa Science Museum

This time Barcelona Photoblog has the pleasure to upload this picture of the spiral staircase, or better said ramp to the underground levels inside Cosmocaixa Science Museum in Barcelona. Today there is no possibility to enlarge the image cause quality was not good and I hate it when someone enlarges an image just to see a noisy or blurry background. Sometimes smaller works just fine. I am way behind schedule with my posting as you know due to an excess of work both at the office and at home so I apologize for the inconvenience. I want to point out that late posting does not mean I am quitting! Thank you for coming and for the kind comments.

October 04, 2007

Chaos Machine at Cosmocaixa, Barcelona

Chaos Machine at Cosmocaixa, Barcelona [enlarge]

The Chaos machine as I call it, can be found at Cosmocaixa Science Museum in Barcelona. Propelled into space by two powerful fans on the floor of the box, the balls simulate what could be the erratic movement of particles in an apparent disorder state, that is, chaos, although it is said that there is order inside this mess! Hmm, let's leave this to Maths geeks. I used autofocus in continuous mode to obtain these sort wormy shapes and added some violet overlay effect to make it more attractive.

September 29, 2007

A Purple Fantasy: Bubbles at CosmoCaixa, Barcelona

Purple Fantasy: Bubbles at CosmoCaixa, Barcelona [enlarge]

Purple or magenta, the point is that this image is to be regarded more as an abstraction. I decided to follow one of those typical bubbles inside a lava lamp, you know, the ones that hypnotize and make you look like an idiot. The place CosmoCaixa again. This is more some sort of experiment and not exactly a lava lamp I guess but it reminds me of the old fashioned contrivance.

A Brief History of the Lava Lamp by Spacehopper.

How to make your own Lava Lamp

September 28, 2007

Plasma Ball Detail at CosmoCaixa Science Museum, Barcelona

Plasma Ball Detail at CosmoCaixa Science Museum, Barcelona[enlarge]

This is a detail of a plasma ball at CosmoCaixa Science Museum. Many of you have seen these balls that seem like octopuses or aliens extending their tentacles whenever someone dares to touch the surface of the crystal sphere. It was hard to take this picture since I had to avoid the use of flash on the reflecting surface and I had no tripod with me at the moment to gain stability and look for more natural light in the dark pavilion. I hope you like the result. The tiny star-like spots are just reflections on the ball that I did not edit to keep the cosmic look of the image.

Now to enrich our scientific knowledge a little bit, a definition of
[YouTube video].

September 27, 2007

Sea Urchin Skeletons or Tests at CosmoCaixa, Barcelona

Sea Urchin Skeletons or Tests at CosmoCaixa [enlarge]

What looks at first sight like a submarine photograph, the kind you would see when those robots scan a deep oceanic bottom with their spotlights is nothing but a cross section inside a crystal box full of sea urchin skeletons or tests at CosmoCaixa, an interactive science museum in the upper side of Barcelona (address: Teodor Roviralta, 47-51). Cosmocaixa is modern in design, and good in quality but above all it is fun for kids who discover that science is not just a boring book with entertaining pictures here and there, but a fascinating world full of mysterious experiments, amazing optical illusions, curious instruments and what is best, things they can touch and play with to obtain magic results. If you come with your children to Barcelona this museum is a must. This is a Google Earth snapshot where you see CosmoCaixa's location and also a closer look. As to my picture and sea urchins, I thought this cross section offered nice textures and made you think in a way about evolution of species and science.

Here is a short video to get an idea about the experiments: Defying Gravity

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