Barcelona Photoblog: macro
Showing posts with label macro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label macro. Show all posts

May 17, 2009

Stamens: Nature's Perfection


This is part of a flower's reproductive system. A detail of several stamens, each of them made up of a filament (the stalks), anthers and pollen sacs. But as I've said many times I am no specialist. I just want you to appreciate the beauty of it all and wish you all a nice week.

May 07, 2009


Leaf Nerves or Veins [enlarge]

A detail of the nerves on some leaf. The original plant I found in a greenhouse. The light coming through the glass on the roof. I am afraid I can't say much about it except I like the texture and shape of it.

April 20, 2009

Bead Necklace On Wood

Bead Necklace On Wood [enlarge]

This is a bead necklace my wife bought while we were visiting Mirador del Alcalde today, that beautiful place from where you can enjoy a wonderful sight of Barcelona. I took some pictures that I will post later this week. It is funny but from all the snaps I prefer the macro instead of the landscapes. It was sunny and we laid the necklace on the upper part of a bench. I used a 70-300 mm lens.

April 05, 2009

The Simplified Beauty of A Drop

Detail of Drop on a Leaf [enlarge]

Drops tell us not only of rain, of dew, but also of physics. You could talk about fluid dynamics, microclusters, cloud physics, applied optics, surface tension, cohesion, name it. But a drop is over all just a beautiful thing to look at. One of the many ways mother nature conceived to nourish and captivate us.

March 30, 2009

White Daisy Detail

White Daisy Detail [enlarge]

A detail of a white daisy. I hope you like this macro which looks better if you click on the image. A white daisy is just that, I don't have much to say considering I have published other similar posts before. See two of them here: Daisy Paradise and Morning Daisies in Bellaterra.

March 09, 2009

Shell Bracelet and Sunday Afternoon Blues

Shell bracelet

It was Sunday, a very boring bloody Sunday afternoon and I stayed at home. I had the blues, I was down, depressed, you know, like any odd weekend before horrible Monday comes. My archives were reaching the red mark, way past the warning sign saying, alert, alert tomorrow you will have nothing to post so I decided I had to fetch some insignificant objects and let go my imagination. As you see my imagination had decided to go for a walk without me so I came up with this "miserable" macro of some plain shell bracelet. Please be lenient with me.

October 27, 2008

Feeding Your Child: Extreme Methods

closeup of baby eating baby food

If you have a child you may recall how hard it was to make them swallow their first baby food. This is our friends' baby daughter. I took the liberty of taking some macros of the feeding act. I have never seen such stubborn child before. No wonder her mother had to use the pacifier to push the food into her mouth and stop her from spitting it. I guess patience is a must in cases like this. You can try singing, chasing her mouth from left to right, calling your spoon names of well known cartoon characters like Tweety, Mickey, imitating sounds of every mean of transportation you know of, trains, motorbikes, etc. You can act like a clown or simply make use of this extreme method, using the pacifier as a stopper. Here are some real tips to feed your child.

August 23, 2008

Candy Mix

Colorful Sweets - Mix Candy [enlarge]

In my spare time I am beginning to take the first steps on the world of small things. I neither master the technique nor have the adequate gear so you may call this a house experiment. I set eyes on a bag of sweets at random. This is not publicity. I don't sell candy. But the brand name was there and it came handy for choosing the title of the post.

August 15, 2008

Cake Garnish

Cake Garnish

Obviously I forgot to mention this other stuff I found on top of my cake besides last post's strawberry. This garnish with leaves and fruit seems edible and I swear I've seen it lots of times but never gave it a try. Suggestions would be appreciated.
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