Barcelona Photoblog: monistrol
Showing posts with label monistrol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monistrol. Show all posts

November 23, 2017

Becoming a Pubilla, An Ancestral Tradition in Catalonia


Every year pubilles and hereus from all over Catalonia participate in a contest summoned by organizations that promote traditions of the past in the region. As was described in a previous post in Barcelona Photoblog, a pubilla is the heiress in a family where there is no son. She is the eldest daughter, must be between 16 and 21 years old and inherits the home and the estate. The hereu, is the heir, in those cases when there is a son. Families with pubilles were supposed to receive a contribution from the family of the groom, that unlike dowries, were voluntary. This contribution was called aixovar, from Arabic, assovár.

Being elected as the pubilla or the hereu of their municipality or in a final national contest, the representatives of all Catalonia, is a privilege for these youngsters who feel proud of defending the traditions of their ancestors. They will be honor guests in all minor festivities concerning these matters around Catalonia and will be received by the president of the Catalan parliament. A visit to Montserrat Monastery will be a must in their schedule.

Check also this post about Pubilles and Hereus or this one featuring a dancer in traditional dress.

October 26, 2008

Reflections on a Wine Porron

Porron or jug with red wine

Wine is served sometimes in recipients like this at food market stalls and they are known as a porron. George Orwell gave a great definition of this typical Catalan container: "…and drank out of a dreadful thing called a porron. A porron is a sort of glass bottle with a pointed spout from which a thin jet of wine spurts out whenever you tip it up; you can thus drink from a distance, without touching it with your lips, and it can be passed from hand to hand. I went on strike and demanded a drinking-cup as soon as I saw a porron in use. To my eye the things were altogether too like bed-bottles, especially when they were filled with white wine" (Wikipedia). The porron is available for possible clients to quench their thirst while they try samples of some products and make up their minds. More than often, they finally buy something, now that the stall owner has treated them so well, although some people take a good sip, eat all they can and leave empty handed. There are authentic professionals doing this, but the fact they are over there fluttering around attracts more possible consumers so we can say they act as bait. Well, as an anecdote, that's me reflected on the porron of this Monistrol market stall.

October 24, 2008

Stones And Gems, Shapes, Light And Energy

Stones And Gems

Quartz or methacrylate , energy generating or not, you have to admit that faceted geometric objects when exposed to light do transmit a certain feeling of relaxation and can trigger a hypnotic state. You may remember your childhood for example, when you spent hours looking to the reflections of a prism under the sun. Is that the origin of greed? Is that what makes people go crazy about buying jewels?. I mean, gems are just mineral. Diamonds come from carbon, what makes it so precious? Everything lies in that fascination for stones, light and maybe some hidden energy that hooks us into collecting color crystals. The magic of mother Earth...This image was captured at a stall in a local market of a town called Monistrol.

October 21, 2008

Wish List: Valdeon Blue Cheese

Valdeon blue cheese

From the region of Castilla y Leon we have today this excellent Spanish blue cheese called Valdeon after the name of the valley where is it is elaborated in Picos de Europa national park. Made out of cow or goat milk or a combination of both, Valdeon is a creamy, intense flavored cheese not as biting as Cabrales. Did I tell you that I love Cabrales? The wheel of Valdeon is wrapped in sycamore leaves, as the ones you see in the image, that add a peculiar taste to it (learn here about other cheese wrappings). Valdeon was named best blue cheese back in 2003 in a national contest. Here is a tasty recipe Smoked Paprika-Rubbed Steaks With Valdeon Butter. This particular cheese I found at a food market in Monistrol de Monserrat.

October 20, 2008

Beads Necklaces

Beads necklaces at a stall in Monistrol [enlarge]

During my visit to Monistrol, there was this stall selling beads necklaces. I reckon this is quite common in many countries so there's no need to tell you a story about the origin of beads or to start talking about religion and rosaries. I saw a line of those necklaces and decided to play with dof for a while. Remember in the next days I will show you market products from Monistrol de Montserrat and folk dancers that participated in recent local celebrations.

October 19, 2008

Evil Mask, Monistrol de Montserrat

Devil Mask, Monistrol de Montserrat [enlarge]

You know the devil disguises or manifests in oh so many ways. One day he may be McCain Trump himself, some other day the hideous child of our neighbors, maybe a cat, a pumpkin or simply an evil mask with firecrackers inside, as is the case of this one at Monistrol de Montserrat.

It was on one of the stalls of the market organized during the Fira de la Coca i el Mató 2008 (a local food fair).

Remember this fair at Monistrol has been featured here in the past, as for example in: Say Cheese.

I would like to go around with this for Halloween. In fact there was an old B movie where the devil himself wandered among the crowd for the famous celebration and everybody mocked at his attire, with tragic consequences, of course.

Follow label Monistrol below for more.

May 19, 2007

Folk Dancers near Barcelona

Folk Dancers near Barcelona

Today I would like to resume an old post of mine. It was called People in Catalonia: Dancers. I don't know if this happens to you but everytime I shoot I take several pictures about a single subject and then due to the nature of our photoblogs I am unable to post them all, or what's worse I end up publishing just the one I didn't like so much. Perhaps back in November 10, 2006 I should have posted today's picture, who knows? At least in this image you can appreciate the costumes better. If you want to know more about these dancers or the town, Monistrol, don't forget to click on the labels below.

November 10, 2006

People in Catalonia: Dancers

Catalan dancers in folkloric ceremonies

I hope you don´t mind I keep posting pictures of Catalan dancers in Monistrol de Montserrat and not about other topics although it is late as usual and I ought to go to bed. Good night and have a nice weekend!
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