Barcelona Photoblog: orange
Showing posts with label orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orange. Show all posts

December 06, 2010

Rabbit and Pumpkins, Medieval Fair, Vic (Osona), Catalonia

Rabbit and Pumpkins [enlarge]

Today I visited the Medieval Fair or Market that is held every year in Vic, capital of Osona. I highly recommend this event to learn about medieval trades or crafts, get in contact with Catalan history and try local food which is an excellent sample of our cuisine. If you are on a diet please refrain from attending this fair. Further ahead I will talk more since this rabbit and pumpkins image is not very illustrative.

September 26, 2010

Orange Jelly Candy Detail

Orange Jelly Candy Detail [enlarge]

Here's a detail of some orange jelly candy in a market stall in Barcelona. You can also check these gominolas in green. Fall is already here so orange is that kind of color that gives us the mood of the season. I wish autumn comes as sweet for you as these candies. Have a nice week!

October 22, 2008

Balloon By Montserrat

Balloon By Montserrat [enlarge]

There's nothing like a good landscape and a big balloon with shiny colors standing out against some mountain walls and a deep blue sky. Unfortunately some of them show off some publicity sometimes like this Caixa Manresa (a local bank) logo. Obviously banks tend to inflate big balloons every now and then, they rise and fall, and on many occasions they blow up or get drifted away. This one was firmly tied up to the ground just in case. Behind it the beautiful mountain of Montserrat.

August 15, 2008

Cake Garnish

Cake Garnish

Obviously I forgot to mention this other stuff I found on top of my cake besides last post's strawberry. This garnish with leaves and fruit seems edible and I swear I've seen it lots of times but never gave it a try. Suggestions would be appreciated.

February 28, 2008

Orange are My Favorite Flowers

Orange are My Favorite Flowers

Orange is not my favorite color, at least not if compared to blue or purple but in photography it really makes a difference. I have seen extraordinary pictures that include such color, here are some: Orange is the new color
My orange flowers today, I believe, are roses and they are only a modest contribution.

February 23, 2008

Orange Bells

Orange Bells

Walking along the fence of Mossen Costa i Llobera Cacti Gardens which happened to be closed on Sunday, I don't know why, I found this beautiful orange flowers that look like pods or long bells. I am unable to determine the name but I do like the bright colors against the green of cacti in the background.

June 30, 2007

Orange and Yellow Flowers at Sant Pau Hospital


Beautiful small orange and yellow flowers which I have seen many times before but I can't identify myself. I can tell you where I found them though: Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Of course they are quite common and grow in many more places. If you happen to know the name please let me know.

June 01, 2007

Auto Reflections

Auto Reflections

My reflections on the side mirror of a classic car. Notice the iridescent orange coat of paint with polished finish that gives the auto an authentic 70s kind of mood. I don't like pictures with the photographer trapped inadvertedly in the image but they acquire a different dimension if we are part of the story somehow, accidentally or on purpose.

May 30, 2007

Garden Flowers: Musings

Garden Flowers

Not the first time I upload some flowers to my photo blog, and certainly I hope it's not the last time. Beauty is all around and as I am not going to have the eye of Ansel Adams for landscapes or Cartier-Bresson's gift for street photography, I'd better concentrate on capturing my modest reality come what may. There is always some art in minor things too. Take for example a bunch of orange flowers in a garden on your way to work or at your neighbors'. You can take a snapshot every time you pass them by and it will always be a different picture, not just because you arranged them in different compositions but because you were many times in a different mood. So art is also a state of mind, it has to do with the soul, with spirituality, and you must be satisfied first with what you create in order to please others. You may be good at it or clumsy as hell, but it's your work, and it is as legitimate as the art of Da Vinci or Michelangelo. This is what I saw, what filled my soul with joy for some milliseconds and now I want to share the scene with you.

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