Architectural abstraction showing brand new Diagonal 00 tower reflected on one of the many mirrors hanging from the Forum building in Barcelona. My daughter says people will not tell what is what here but I trust your imagination. Anyway this is about shapes. Have a nice new week everyone!
Barcelona photos: Daily photographs of Barcelona, Spain. Pictures of a modern city with travel tips in a personal photoblog. A photography and travel site. Art, architecture, people and traditions. Travel to Barcelona through my camera, know more about our city and towns nearby. Welcome!
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Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts
November 22, 2010
August 05, 2008
Lake Reflections, Lleida, Barcelona

The same place I showed you the other day in Lleida province near Barcelona: The Ivars' pond, late in the afternoon. I would like to thank you all for all the best wishes regarding my holidays. I am still having a great time in Miami, Florida. See you soon.
catalonia landscape,
Location: Barcelona, Spain
25260 Ivars d'Urgell, Lleida, Spain
April 01, 2008
Reflections in Heron City
July 26, 2007
Classic Car Reflections
Hi, this blogger is about to go on his summer holidays. In fact I will leave next Wednesday to the beach for a whole month. I will do my best to keep posting at least once a week. Remember I will be back in September so this is no farewell. In the meantime and till Tuesday I will show you my last work. This is an old picture though. I took it at the retro exhibition last year. The drawings on the side of the car are not clear but the sunny reflections are somewhat interesting. I like the lines of this beauty. Maybe it's a corvette but I don't remember.
June 01, 2007
Auto Reflections
My reflections on the side mirror of a classic car. Notice the iridescent orange coat of paint with polished finish that gives the auto an authentic 70s kind of mood. I don't like pictures with the photographer trapped inadvertedly in the image but they acquire a different dimension if we are part of the story somehow, accidentally or on purpose.
May 07, 2007
Two Little Ladies Looking in The Mirror
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This picture of two little girls having fun in front of a distorting mirror in Terrassa near Barcelona is one of those you like before you arrive home and sit to browse your work. No matter how much I plan my pictures I always come to the conclusion that spontaneous snapshots taken with a little luck end up pleasing me more by the end of the day. I chose this image to participate in the 24 Hours of Flickr Group and with it I hope the antiflower group take a little rest.
April 25, 2007
Sightseeing Along Barcelona City Coast
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Sightseeing Barcelona city harbour and coast is one of the most gratifying experiences in our Mediterranean urbis. As in some other major cities like Paris, London or New York, taking a boat to navigate along the river or the coast in this case helps you to take visual shortcuts throughout the territory you are going to explore in the most pure discoverer or pioneer style. Sightseeing boats in Barcelona port are called Golondrinas (swallows). You get tickets and depart from Moll de la Fusta in front of the Columbus column monument and prices are not expensive considering today standards. You should know that there are the classic smaller ships which were the original vessels seafaring inside the harbour for about half an hour and more modern boats doing just that plus a cruise out of the port mouth and along the coast till the Forum area on the other side of the city and return to departure point. Last weekend I travelled on one of these and believe me the one hour and a half journey really was worth the 10 Euros I paid. I thought my fellow photo bloggers would love to take a peek too as an appetizer for a future visit. I hope you like this waterscape and the reflections on the intense blue sea.
March 20, 2007
Reflections on Golden Pond: L'Estany d'Ivars
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This is L'Estany d'Ivars. Created about a hundred and fifty years ago it was dried in 1951 to cultivate the land. Now it is to become one of the largest lakes in Catalonia and a natural park specially rich in migrating species of birds that are returning to their natural habitat. As to this sunset picture, I just have to suggest you try to look it horizontally too. It resembles some kind of root or a gigantic caterpillar, with some imagination of course.
February 14, 2007
Reflected on the Apple of my Eye

First of all Happy St. Valentine! to all lovers in the world. It would be interesting to know which cities in our Daily photo group do not celebrate this day, if any!. Today I resume the reflections topic but this time on people eyes. Who better than the apple of my eye, my other love, my daughter Sara. Here is a closeup of hers by the beach in La Barceloneta.
February 12, 2007
Reflections in Heron City Barcelona
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As I am sure there are some reflection fans among you I leave you with this glass panels in Heron City Barcelona. The leisure resort has been dealt with before in Barcelona Photoblog so please check Google labels for more information. I encourage everyone once again to participate in the AbsoluteLomo contest (rules in previous post this month) as I am extending deadlines two more weeks. Send any lomo pictures you have, old or new, to the Absolutelomo gallery and send me the link.
November 09, 2006
Boy with Bike Lost in Reflections
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Amazed at how the light and colors can change so much in just a while and depending on the direction of your lens, I turned around and left the girls from my previous post, to focus this time on a young man facing the pale sun rays twinkling here and there on this side of the pier. I could have tweaked the image in PS but I am getting fond of soft natural color subtleties. You can't get minimalist if you don't discover the fundamentals first!
Recommended: Underwater photography by David Doubilet. This renown photographer presented Come to the Bottom of the Sea! exhibition (it was over past Nov.7th)) at BCN Dive event in Fira de Barcelona.
October 25, 2006
Reflections on New Building near Plaza Cerdá
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Today I will just post another reflection this time on a building which is part of a big project in Barcelona called Ciutat Judicial or City of Justice just in front of Plaza Cerdá in Hospitalet de Llobregat. A group of new high rising buildings will be the headquarters of the main judicial bodies in Barcelona. Built on the same place where the old Caserna de Lepant or Lepant Military Headquarters used to be, they should be finished by 2009. The skyline of Barcelona will push a little higher to impress those entering the city via the airport highway.
October 24, 2006
Agbar Tower Reflection on a 22 @ Building

To continue with the mirror series today I want you to look at Agbar Tower's reflection on a 22 @ District building. It is hard to photograph this tower by Jean Nouvel and still be original. I don't know how many pictures have been taken from this angle but following that rule of thumb I'd better stay at home. I had a great time this day. It was sunny and I was walking through this side of 22 @ district where buildings are about to be inaugurated and streets are still closed to traffic, so it was some kind of urban oasis (notice the contradiction). I had all the time in this world to stand in the middle of an intersection and shoot at the building. I recommend you take a look at these fantastic images of Agbar Tower by Desenfocado or by Bob.
October 23, 2006
Reflective Light Shaft in Barcelona Forum

If you visit the Barcelona Forum building (posted last April 20th) don't forget to step right under this beautiful light shaft with silver reflections bringing daylight to the lower gallery. Or maybe you prefer blue reflections as the ones in this old picture of mine taken a few meters away. These could have been just plain shafts but as you see aesthetics and practical design are not antagonical. Last but not least, remember that a virtual tour or a view of the big solar panel were also featured back in April this year.
September 28, 2006
Magic Mirrors at Tibidabo: Self Portrait
As I felt like posting people today, particularly kids, I decided to pick up this picture taken back in June and the sequel to a similar image published then: Tibidabo Park: Kids in the Magic Mirror. I think I invaded the scene enough this time, so why not call it "self portrait", me in the back and the kid we all have inside in front, or is it the other way around?. Trivia: These distorting mirrors are called literally "haha" mirror in Chinese (thanks Lisi).
Google Maps Barcelona, Spain: Tibidabo Amusement Park.
September 15, 2006
Maremagnum: A Leisure Resort in Barcelona Port

As many fellow bloggers know, this is not my first post about Maremagnum, the leisure resort in Barcelona Port, so today I will concentrate on the image. As in previous photos taken at Port Vell water front, I chose reflections of the people at the cafeteria out in Maremagnum Shopping Center's terrace. I like the way in which the glass panels tend to distort the image creating optical illusion. To find out more examine my previous posts: Maremagnum Mare Nostrum Reflections, Escalators at Maremagnum in Barcelona, Spain, Sitting on the Dock of the Bay and specially Maremagnum Tourist Paradise. I think there are some more. I hope you enjoy them along with...
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Moll d'Espanya, 5, 08039 Barcelona, Spain
June 20, 2006
Tibidabo Park: Kids in the Magic Mirror
Yesterday we saw kids improvising in a park, today we will see them in front of the mirror. What can be more fun than watching their spontaneous creativity pretending to be giants or midgets.
Tibidabo Magic Mirrors is the perfect place: a small room of distorting or deceiving mirrors at the end of a very dark corridor.
See Picture of Tibidabo Magic Mirrors on a Google Earth Map
May 02, 2006
Barcelona Forum Reflections

While walking at the Barcelona Forum building premises I spotted this square reflective light shaft. The chaotic geometric figures that it casts still surprise me. At first, I did not notice the noise caused by the pedestrian protection fence in the image that finally turned out to be an extraordinary reference point to get a much better idea about distorsion. Some more information about this place can be found in my previous post: The Forum Building
See Barcelona Forum on a Google Earth Map
March 01, 2006
Reflections on Tomatoes
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