Barcelona Photoblog

May 12, 2006

Recycling and Poverty in Barcelona

Recycling and Poverty in Barcelona

Many people in Barcelona make a living gathering cardboard, metal or plastic scrap from regular garbage or recycling containers. I was taking coffee when I saw this man passing by with an enormous cart, he was going very fast so I had to run two blocks after him to shoot. Sometimes it seems kind of cruel to photograph people in such situation, I just wish my image humbly contributes to cause a stir in the consciousness of our community.
See Picture of Carrer Industria on a Google Earth Map

May 11, 2006

Barcelona Sculptures: A Stroll in Montjuic

Barcelona Sculptures: A Stroll in Montjuic

If you are an art lover, specially if you appreciate sculptures go for a stroll in Montjuic. You have several ways of access as it is a mountain and statues are scattered all over the place. Today I show you this skinny man obviously an athlete, under the shadow of a tree near Palau de la Mercè and not very far from Palau Sant Jordi. I like the fragile but agile complexion of the body, almost feline emulating the shape of the spires in the background.
See Sculpture near Palau de la Mercè on a Google Earth Map

May 10, 2006

Modernism in Barcelona: Hospital de Sant Pau

Modernism in Barcelona: Hospital de Sant Pau

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, is a modernist complex designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner (see my April post: Gargoyles).

The access pavilion at the intersection of carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret and carrer Cartagena is covered with exposed brickwork, and features a tower clock on top.

Inside you can admire the excellent stained glass by Mario Maragliano, a richly wrought staircase and these purple ceilings, that recall Islamic architecture.

From all the amazing things I discovered inside (when I carry my camera I am much more aware of minor details around me) I prefer this precious lamp.

 Try to discover what's on top.
See Hospital de Sant Pau Picture on a Google Earth Map
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