Barcelona Photoblog

July 26, 2006

Sagrada Familia: Portal of Nativity

The Nativity Portal

After examining the opposite façade in detail in previous posts, I select this picture of the Nativity Portal taken from behind the gates late in the afternoon, once the place was not flooded with tourists.

PS: Next Tuesday I start my summer holidays (full August). I will post when I am back from Paris and Disney Land Paris around August 8th. I want you all to understand that this is just a break along the way and not a farewell. When I am back I will be travelling around Spain so I will be able to use my archives at least twice a week. The intention is not to give up and return with more energy in September. This is a fascinating hobby, as fascinating as time consuming but what the heck, as long as there is somehing to shoot at!.

July 25, 2006

Marina Port Vell in Barcelona, Spain

Marina Port Vell in Barcelona

After showing you part of the History Museum of Catalonia at Palau de Mar building, here is a picture of the view from the roof and restaurant terrace of the museum. You can admire part of the Moll del Dipòsit in which Marina Port Vell is located. The Marina is surrounded by Barceloneta's restaurants and "tapas" bars and is 10 minutes away from the center. The place appeared recently in the news because of the many people living in boats and not sailing alleging that it's cheaper to dwell in a small vessel than buying or renting an apartment in the city. Notice the white building there in the background, it is the Imax Port Vell cinema, a little bit to its left you find Maremagnum Shopping Center and farther back you see Barcelona World Trade Center building. On the horizon the almost new highway bridge near the entrance to the port. Check this other photo where you have a wider view.

July 24, 2006

La Guardia Civil: The Boogey Man

The Guardia Civil, the Spanish equivalent of Italian Carabinieri or French Gendarmerie, is sadly famous because of their cruel and repressive methods during Franco's dictatorship. As you see in this photograph taken at the Museum of History of Catalonia they used to patrol in pairs and wore the traditional tricorne. We have to say that modern Guardia Civil is far more gentle.

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