Barcelona Photoblog

September 13, 2006

Sant Miquel del Fai Church near Barcelona: Bell Detail

Old Bell at Sant Miquel del Fai Monastery Cloister

How many times have this old bell tolled since medieval times?...Located at one of the walls along the corridor where the cloister of Sant Miquel del Fai Romanic church used to be, the bells (there are two) are silent witnesses of centuries of quietness and meditation under the cliffs that overlook river Tenes and neighbouring towns of Bigues and Riells.

Check my previous post for more Sant Miquel del Fai information.

September 12, 2006

Sant Miquel del Fai near Barcelona: Priory House

Sant Miquel del Fai near Barcelona: Priory House

Sant Miquel del Fai is a natural park situated in a valley basin about 35 kms away from Barcelona. You can go there by bus or by car, and you have to pay for the entrance (6€ more or less). Besides the incredible view of caves, small waterfalls falling at river Tenes and the imposing sedimentary rock cliffs, it features the Romanic hermitage of Sant Martí already important by the IVth Century, the Sant Miquel Church buried inside a grotto and a monastery known as the Priory House (closer look), built upon an enormous legde in the mountain walls at the beginnings of the XVth Century. Because of the geological nature of the park, this zone is rich in Neolithic archeological findings, mainly remnants of Iberian settlements.

Google Earth Satellite Picture of Sant Miquel del Fai near Barcelona.

September 11, 2006

Sant Miquel Del Fai Cliffs and Catalan Flag

Sant Miquel Del Fai Cliffs and Catalan Flag
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Today is September 11th and besides the sad anniversary of tragic events at twin towers in United States, Catalonia and Barcelona as a part of it, celebrate the National Day of Catalonia, called La Diada. Many Catalan flags hang up from balconies for the occasion so I chose this flagpole with La Senyera billowing over Sant Miquel del Fai, a natural park in the province of Barcelona with amazing views which I will show you in coming posts. Maybe you would like to know in advance what this place is: Sant Miquel del Fai. Find out more about La Diada.

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