Barcelona Photoblog

November 05, 2006

Boy in Blue: Kid Playing at L'Illa Diagonal

Boy in Blue: Kid Playing at L'Illa Diagonal - CLICK to Enlarge
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Weekend!, buying sweaters for the sudden drop of temperatures in Barcelona. I am at the upper floor of L'Illa Diagonal shopping center. Aware of the sound of the many kids shouting down there in the hall of the main floor I look down and spot this huge box full of blue balls. As I told Kris and Edwin recently I have a knack for blue so I couldn't resist firing some shots. It was almost impossible to isolate just one kid, thus the custom vignette applied.

Recommended: People of Indigenous Cultures by Phil won't regret!

November 04, 2006

Fisherman and Couple in Bogatell Beach, Barcelona

Fisherman and Couple: Bogatell beach, Barcelona

Today I will be brief. This is just a picture I took at the end of one of the piers in Bogatell Beach. I arrived and fortunately there was just one fisherman with baggy trousers, suspenders and a hat (that's is not common here). On the other corner there was a young couple. Previously I went past a model having a pro photo session and changing her dress up behind an improvised curtain but I settled for my perfect match of the day at the far end of the wharf.
Check an Aerial View of this Pier at Bogatell Beach in Barcelona.

November 03, 2006

Giants at Monistrol de Montserrat near Barcelona

Giants at Monistrol de Montserrat

You probably have seen them in pictures. They are omnipresent in our traditional celebrations making children laugh or panic. They are the giants (gegants - cat.). I can never tell which character they represent. Women mostly represent queens, princesses or important ladies and men may be kings, catholic or moor but also just warriors. Of course you can find all sorts of other characters such as peasants, old people...Some say they are documented as far back as the XIV century, and that they first appeared as male characters. Later came women in the XVI century (discriminated as usual). Giants are made of papier mâché, sustained by a frame of wood to raise it from the inside. Carriers are organized in groups or associations called colles. Remember that there are also small figures called capgrossos (big heads - literally.) This picture was taken just in front of the town hall (ajuntament) at Monistrol de Montserrat. If you want to see them in action check this wonderful videos: Gegants at YouTube
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