Barcelona Photoblog

February 26, 2007

Sitting by the Sea: Take your Turn

Sitting by the Sea: Take your Turn

Come rain come shine you always see someone laying on those concrete chairs facing the sea at Barcelona beach. Although they might look hard and uncomfortable they are pretty demanded so they'd better implement some kind of parking meter system nearby to make room for all. If you take a closer look notice that some of them really mean to stay for long. Maybe because it is winter I managed to find some empty chairs so I was about to run and stretch there till next summer.

February 25, 2007

Social Distortion

Social Distortion
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History repeating itself, deja vu, retro? Fashion comes and goes and the clothes of the fathers are now the "innest" stuff for the sons. Did that make us social distorted too then? Who is behind this design? A drinking skeleton, is that what they should become or are they referring to the state parents are in now after going on too many boozing sprees? Too many questions I know but I have been always intrigued by fashion and youngsters' striving for being completely distorted...hmmm, what a wonderful times we had!

Update: People portrayed in this picture has nothing to do with what is expressed as my own personal opinion in this article. This post has provoked different reactions, possibly because I am no expert as you can see in this matter. I was only referring to youth and fashion. In order to avoid misinterpretation and some wild opinions clearly out of place, comments will remain closed and those already accepted hidden. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to visitors or any people implied.

February 24, 2007

Spanish Souvenirs in Barcelona: A Canned Stereotype

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Of course a souvenir shop always tries to sell stereotyped products of the country or the city as this is precisely what tourists are prone to buy, unaware of other traits that you normally discover after a second or third visit. Spain is a multicolor, multilanguage, multiethnic and multi-everything nation and what is good for some parts of it is not applicable to the rest. It is a common cliché to think that we are all matadors, go around saying "ole" (we do but watching soccer matches) and dance flamenco in our spare time. Of course there are people for each and every ingredient in this melting pot, but remember not to mingle them no matter how idyllic it may look.

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