Barcelona Photoblog

May 23, 2007

Cactus Flowers

As I was missing my flower posts and I had a terrible need for colors again I've decided to display some tiny cacti full of "flowers". As I am not an expert in Botany here is a specific link to the so called cactus flowers. I try not to turn Barcelona Photoblog into a nature photography site but I am color addicted and I guess I am not the only one. To add some valuable content to the picture here is the web adress to the Botanic Garden of Barcelona.

May 22, 2007

Topsy-Turvy Confidence

Topsy-Turvy Confidence

Being upside down, hanging from just one foot and depending on your partner's firm hold to keep your head safe some meters above the ground simply takes guts and a blind confidence in your fellow trapezist. This circus act took place in Terrasa near Barcelona recently (remember my previous post about the Perch Act). I added a vignette action in Photoshop to blur the distracting blue sign on the left.

May 21, 2007

Street Art in Barcelona: Lying Head

Street Art in Barcelona: Lying Head

Barcelona Photoblog continues with Igor Mitoraj sculptures series. This time, a huge hollow head in the middle of Rambla Catalunya, like some long forgotten totem left behind by an unknown ancient civilization. I close my eyes and I imagine myself diving in a lost world, maybe Atlantis, and seeing the bottom littered with hundreds of these and perhaps part of the 500,000 coins found by US Odyssey submarine who recently claimed to have discovered one of the biggest hoards in a wreckage ever.
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