Barcelona Photoblog

May 27, 2007

Mysterious Faces From the Past by Igor Mitoraj

Street Art in Barcelona: Lying Head

This has been a busy weekend for me. I have not been able to post right on time and besides I have been all day long participating as vocal at one of the electoral tables during deputy elections. So here is what I've got, an almost mortuary image with a strange attraction. As you can see in the picture these small faces on the base of a pedestal at some bigger sculptoric work by Igor Mitoraj are rather spooky, but that is what makes them more interesting. Here is a link to Igor Mitoraj's work.

May 26, 2007

Seaside View of the Solar Panel at Barcelona Forum

Seaside View of the Solar Panel at Barcelona Forum

This is a view of the huge solar panel overlooking the Forum esplanade, as seen from the sea while onboard one of Las Golondrinas, the sightseeing boats navigating both in the harbour and along the coast. Once you reach the Forum area it is time to turn around and navigate back. You never lose sight of this colossal piece of architecture. As the small boat is too far away to compare with the panel and get an idea of its true size I recommend you enlarge the picture and check those tiny people walking under the 10,500-m2 surface of the photovoltaic cell or solar panel. Check some old pictures of mine from other angles: Other side, underneath and the stairs.

May 25, 2007

Waiting for the Bridge: Rambla de Mar, Barcelona

These people were waiting for the wooden decked swing bridge at Moll d'Espanya to close again after letting boats sail into the marina. The wooden platform and the path along the bridge towards Maremagnum, the big leisure center, is called Rambla de Mar. The bridge was designed by Albert Viaplana, professor of Architectural Project at the School of Architecture of Barcelona University and Helio Piñon, his partner, teaching at the school since 1970 and co-editor of Arquitecturas-bis since 1974. They are responsible for major projects in the city so I suggest you check their work here Viaplana & Piñon. Here is a Google Earth Map with a view of the bridge at Rambla de Mar and Maremagnum.
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