Barcelona Photoblog

June 04, 2007

Sweet Color Popcorn

Sweet popcorn at Tibidabo amusement park
Sweet popcorn

To introduce today's picture let me start with these facts via The Popcorn Board: Americans consume 17 billion quarts of popped popcorn each year. The average American eats about 54 quarts. No matter how unidentified you feel with the Hollywood style of watching movies, the fact is that our parents were used to it and we are even more addicted. I remember buying a reasonable amount that I swallowed about half way before the end of the movie, now you see people carrying incredible king size buckets full of popcorn (many times covered in caramel!) that they are unable to eat even if they spilled part of the content just by accident. 

And what do you think of the price? I don't know in the US but here in Europe we are spending almost the same amount of money on popcorn and coke as we pay for the movie. 

Well enough rant for today, let popcorn business grow, at least the entertainment industry will be less boring. Here are some good popcorn nutritional facts given at the above mentioned site. 

In the image, a close look at a stack of color popcorn in Tibidabo Amusement Park, Barcelona. I used a vignette with blur effect to accentuate texture.

June 03, 2007

Tibidabo Park: Tickles

Actor dusting a child's armpit during show at Tibidabo Amusement Park
Actor dusting girl's armpit at Tibidabo Amusement Park

Spontaneous scenes make the best shots, at least for me and if they include hilarious situations, much better. 

On a recent visit to Tibidabo, Barcelona's Amusement Park, I spotted this guy entertaining the crowd. His outfit looked great for a picture so I came up closer. I didn't expect him to suddenly rub this small girl's armpit with his colorful duster, that was really too much to ask.

June 02, 2007

Car Stickers Collage

Car Stickers Collage

It is common practice to carry one or two stickers somwhere on the back of your car and they are generally not too flashy not too evident. Yet some others decide to sacrifice their visibility for the sake of art as in this image where a classic Volkswagen van has been littered with colorful stickers that say something about the owners' ideosyncrasy if you are able to understand it of course.

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