Barcelona Photoblog

June 17, 2007

Massive Tourism in Barcelona?

Massive Tourism in Barcelona?

Right under El peix d'or (Gold Fish) metallic sculpture, by Frank O.Ghery next to Hotel Arts, there is this small artificial pond or fountain where it has become customary for people to wade so as to alleviate the effect of the hot temperatures. In fact you generally see tourists doing this as they apparently are more affected by the humid weather in Barcelona. Not that I am against people relaxing by the fountain, not at least if you can admire living sculptures like these every now and then, but the heat, the sweat, the shabby appearance of a whole day by the beach (close by) and the massification of this area create a sudden feeling of being part of a surrealist dream, you know, with mirage effect included, thirst, dampness, a somewhat sick atmosphere that doesn't disappear till the next fall. I am exaggerating of course but those of you who have been here in the summer have gone through similar trances more than often. As you see there are pros and cons.

June 16, 2007

Amusement Parks: Roller Coaster Panic at Tibidabo, Barcelona

Roller Coaster Thrill Ride at Tibidabo Amusement Park, Barcelona

This is a snapshot I took of the roller coaster at Tibidabo Amusement Park in Barcelona. 

I did more or less what those automatic cameras do when you are sliding down the roller coaster: capture the panic expression in your distorted face. The only difference is that this picture was not for sale in the stall  at the end of the ride!

I hope they find Barcelona Photoblog some day and download their photograph for free.

June 15, 2007

Twisted Shapes: An Approach to Rebecca Horn's Sculpture

Twisted Shapes: An Approach to Rebecca Horn's Sculpture [enlarge]

This metallic cubic sculpture was made by the artist Rebecca Horn and it is a distinctive feature of La Barceloneta beach next to the quarter by the same name. Before showing my first photograph about this work I had seen it portrayed in a thousand ways. If you try to capture it as is, early or late during the day, when there is no one, it may look rather dull but the presence of people add up to the structure a little bit. It occurred to me that this man in that strange pose and the arched building maintained some awkward parallelism. On second thought now, I think that his fortune might be as twisted as the building itself, I just wish I was in a mistake. I remember someone said here that sometimes we tag people with our pictures without even knowing what their real conditions are. That is absolutely true.

ou get a better idea in this Google Earth Map View of La Barceloneta Quarter and the tiny metallic sculpture by the beach.

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