Barcelona Photoblog

June 23, 2007

Sant Joan's Eve Firecracker Armageddon

Sant Joan's Eve Firecracker Armageddon [enlarge]

Sant Joan's Eve is not the best day for people with sleeping disorders. Unless you live far from civilization or up in the top floor of a tall building, you will find it hard to get a good sound sleep in Barcelona. As you know this celebration is about partaking with friends in the open at night fully armed with all the pyrotechnic gadgets you could afford to buy in the authorized stalls spread all over the city (they are on sale long before the day arrives). Firecrackers who had initially been heard during previous weeks, suddenly increase the number of decibels, dogs go mad, people get drunker than average, kids go to bed later than ever and the night becomes day, or better said hell on earth. The following morning as you can expect it is as quiet as a post nuclear scenario with just one exception, the constant swearing of the garbage men.

June 22, 2007

Lorenzo Quinn: Beer Pump Sculpture for Barcelona Auditorium

Lorenzo Quinn: Beer Pump Sculpture for Barcelona Auditorium

One of the most artistic and impressive beer pumps I have ever seen (I've seen many!) is this sculpture that Lorenzo Quinn dedicated to L'Auditori of Barcelona (Barcelona Auditorium).

The bronze sinewy arm holding a golden jar of San Miguel beer is just a tiny drop in the vast collection of the famous sculptor born in Rome in 1966, son of Anthony Quinn and Jolanda Addolori and brother of four.

At present he lives in Barcelona with his wife Giovanna and their two sons, Christopher and Nicolás.

He studied art at the American Academy of Fine Arts in New York.

June 21, 2007

Dangerous Wild Fauna in La Barceloneta Balcony

Dangerous Wild Fauna in La Barceloneta Balcony [enlarge]

Yes, it is a very messy picture from the point of view of photography so please refrain from judging it. Almost on the street level (you can reach it with your hands) there is this balcony right in front of La Barceloneta beach in Barcelona. Three different toy animals drying in the sun. At least that's what I thought since one of them, the Tazmanian Devil aka TAZ is held to the clothes line with pegs. On a second look, after checking the plants, the butane gas-cylinders and assorted trash you might think it is the closet as seen from a different perspective. Sometimes you don't know where to stack all those presents you "win" at the shooting gallery.

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