Barcelona Photoblog

July 01, 2007

Pure Classical Music at Park Guell, Barcelona, Spain

Double-bass player and a girl listening at Park Guell, Barcelona
Double-bass playing classical music and girl at Park Guell

A street musician playing for money at Park Guell in Barcelona.

The well tempered sound of the string instrument, a double bass I suppose, attracted a curious visitor who invaded the scene, something that I really, really appreciate. Classical music really touched the pure fibers of this baby cause she stood there like a grownup with a musical background.

June 30, 2007

Orange and Yellow Flowers at Sant Pau Hospital


Beautiful small orange and yellow flowers which I have seen many times before but I can't identify myself. I can tell you where I found them though: Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Of course they are quite common and grow in many more places. If you happen to know the name please let me know.

June 29, 2007

Geometric Models by Gaudi: Polyhedron at Sagrada Familia Museum

Geometric Models by Gaudi: Polyhedron at Sagrada Familia Museum [enlarge]

Inside of Sagrada Familia Museum you can admire scale models which Gaudi used in the building of his cathedral. This polyhedron called my attention not only for the shape but for the small engravings, the texture and the pencil marks.
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