Barcelona Photoblog

November 21, 2007

Liqueurs by Faraco and Feixas at Chocolate Trade Show, Barcelona

Liqueurs by Faraco and Feixas at Chocolate Trade Show, Barcelona [enlarge]

This is a picture of a small sample of liqueurs by Faraco and Feixas that drew my attention while visiting the Chocolate Trade Show next to the Arc de Triomf monument some days ago. Faraco Feixas, S.L. is a company that elaborates and sells liquors, wine, and oil. I was really impressed by the design of the labels that imitate the Scrabble game in a way, the bottles and the variety of attractive products so I decided to feature them in my blog for free. Hey, if you ever read this send me one of those! See a previous post about drinks: absinthe

November 20, 2007

Creepy Two Headed Dolls For The New Kids


Times are achanging and new generations need different toys, like these two headed dolls, a sort of monster that takes from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, Betty Boop, Manga Films and Japanese terror movies like the Ring. The shop, a wonderful place to buy curious modern stuff like this is on Ali Bei street near Passeig de Sant Joan, if I am not in a mistake. It was closed at the moment I took the picture so I had to stick my lens through the bars of the rolling metallic doors. Carrer Ali Bei is becoming a zone of comic and freak stores. In fact I believe there is a shop called Freaks at Ali Bei 10 that may be the place to find the dolls. Please any fan or freak correct me if I am wrong.

November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Dessert: Chocolate Covered Fruit

Chocolate Covered Fruit for Thanksgiving Dessert [enlarge]

Chocolate covered fruit is my proposal for Thanksgiving dessert. I wouldn't like to interrupt your turkey time but this is a simple dessert, a low calorie one if you don't exceed too much with the chocolate or go directly for the upper pastries. This picture was captured in a recent chocolate trade show celebrated in Barcelona which I plan to show you soon in detail. Happy Thanksgiving! I know this post appears some days in advance, don't worry about that. I will update my posting asap.

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