Barcelona Photoblog

December 20, 2007

Holy Scene: Prayer

Holy Scene: Prayer, Pedralbes Monastery exhibition

To follow with my holy scenes series I will let you alone with this intimate moment of reflection and prayers.

No matter what your religion is or even in case you don't have any, I think it is easy to admire revolutionary men like this, call him with whatever name you choose, that someday, somewhere in time, decided to sacrifice for the sake of his fellowmen.

Check other post here: Holy Scene at Pedralbes Monastery Exhibition

December 18, 2007

Religious Sculpture in Pedralbes Monastery

Religious Sculpture in Pedralbes Monastery

This small figure is located in a small crypt located upon entering Pedralbes Monastery cloister, following the right wing corridor. I can't tell you who this is, shame on me, I know. To highlight the mystery and solemnity of the icon I have burnt the borders of the image and rendered a lightning effect on the face with photoshop.

One thing I am sure of, the figure is related to Queen Elisenda de Montcada who secluded herself in the Monastery of Poor Clares in Pedralbes as a nun after the death of her husband, King James II of Aragon, also known as James II of Barcelona, called The Just.

She died there on June 19, 1364 and the tomb can be visited.

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