Barcelona Photoblog

January 16, 2008

Brain Cut at Cosmocaixa Science Museum, Barcelona, Spain

Brain Cut at Cosmocaixa Science Museum, Barcelona, Spain [enlarge]

Where did all the knowledge go? In what secret chamber were my feelings stored? Which intricate volutes concealed the mistery of my soul? My nightmares, my childhood, my secrets, all that love, my deja vus, my premonitions, my nostalgy, my fears, is that all erased forever more? My humanity, my morality, my religion, my sense of beauty, my taboos, my sexuality! Oh Lord! What mighty purpose is there behind experiencing life so vividly and having to perish by natural laws?
The brain cut that serves as the inspiration for this philosophical conundrum was photographed inside Cosmocaixa Science Museum. In case you want to know more about your brain take a look at The History of the Brain

January 15, 2008

Cocoa Fruit and Grains Detail in Chocolate Trade Show, Barcelona

Cocoa Fruit and Grains Detail in Chocolate Trade Show, Barcelona [enlarge]

From last Barcelona Chocolate Trade Show is this basket with cocoa grains next to the original fruit. The basket was displayed in a beautiful stall adorned with all sorts of antiques related with the elaboration of chocolate.

January 14, 2008

Food in Barcelona: Cheese Cake Detail

Food in Barcelona: Cheese Cake Detail [enlarge]

Food also has a small corner in this blog if it is made in Barcelona of course. This cheese cake I saw during a chocolate trade show some months ago and is coming out of my archives cause I was having a lot of trouble to find more time for my photo tours around the city. We have been moving our office to another quarter and guess what, I am working downtown so luckily I will capture more interesting shots soon.
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