Barcelona Photoblog

April 13, 2008

Iberian Ruins: The Lichen Boy

Iberian Ruins: The Lichen Boy [enlarge]

A boy sitting on the foundation walls of an old Iberian town in Lleida, Catalonia. Obviously the kid is not surfing the imaginary waves of time to picture the ancient civilization that once lived in this vast prairie but he is rather amused by the curious surface of the rocky wall. What's this greenish-yellowish thing? Perhaps his parents not faraway, listening to the explanation of the local tourist guide, already told him that the odd thing is a symbiotic organism called lichen. Please check old posts: Lichen on Ancient Rocks, On the Tracks of my Ancestors and IR Iberian Ruins in the Spring.

April 12, 2008

Daisy Paradise

Field of multi color daisies
Field of Daisies

This a picture of daisies, multi-color daisies as seen from ground level the way you would see them if laying on a field.

The image is over saturated on purpose, to magnify the idyllic experience.

I didn't want the scientific approach to the flower, on the contrary, I thought of a painting, the limit between reality and fiction, the point where a photograph starts looking like a painting, when flowers seem to be a sort of nature's brush strokes.

April 11, 2008

Withered Flower

Withered Barcelona Flower [enlarge]

Flowers come and flowers go, the essence of life. Splendor dissapears but you can still find beauty in withering things. Nature is like a whimsical damsel that needs to wear new makeup and dress every single day, every single minute, ever since the world began.

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