Barcelona Photoblog

September 05, 2008

Barcelona and Its People: Trapped Thoughts

Old man wearing handkerchief or turbant on head [enlarge]

Crossing Via Laietana street and headings towards La Ribera quarter there was this old man wearing a sort of handkerchief or improvised turbant. I don't think it was for religious beliefs. Anyway, I thought he looked tired and absentminded and that there was a wretched story behind his stooping figure. He was trapped in his own thoughts. 

September 04, 2008

Curly Endives or Chicory Detail at Boqueria Market, Barcelona, Spain

Curly Endive or Chicory Detail at Boqueria Market, Barcelona, Spain[enlarge]

Resuming my previous post a couple of days ago about La Boqueria market at Las Ramblas, I wanted to share some green with you. Salads are not my favorite. I am more of a carnivore, meat lover, red fan. Nevertheless I reckon the other half of the world goes crazy about chewing up leaves, gnawing on stems and grazing in one way or another which is totally respectable. Here is a detail of a curly endive or chicory that we call escarola. This might lead to confusion cause escarole in English is a plant with broader leaves. Escarola is a rather common green salad in Catalonia, some people love it. I don't. It tastes bitter and is beyond my crunching noise limit. Anyway, the serrated leaves are beautiful and carry lots of healthy minerals, or so they say. I have accentuated the colors using lab color effect. I digress. I hope vegans and vegetarians don't take me too seriously today. I recommend this site (Notes from Debbie's Kitchen) with lots of veggie recipes classified by key ingredients and clearly illustrated with pictures. And I forgot to say that La Boqueria market is just the right place to quench your green thirst.

September 03, 2008


Marylin Monroe's Lips[enlarge]

This is a tribute to the legendary figure of Marylin Monroe and Marylin Monroe's Lips by Andy Warhol. I took this picture in a shop somewhere in Barri Gotic. Both Norma Jean and the mannequin seem to be having some conversation. Now that I brought the topic to light maybe you want to remember some famous quotes by Marylin.

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