Barcelona Photoblog

September 15, 2008

The Kiss

Young couple kissing each other [enlarge]

Love is a topic I don't deal much in my posting because I think adding too much sweet may be noxious. Now that I slipped, I am going to suggest this photo essay called Famous Couples, a gallery with some of the twentieth's century great romances. Of course we would not have chosen many of those but there is one that helped me make up my mind about selecting the link: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.

September 14, 2008

Urban Street Dance in Barcelona

Urban Street Dance in Barcelona

And this is what the street dancer in yesterday's post was looking at, one member of his crew performing a freeze. Here is a video with a basic freeze guide. Please don't try this at home.

September 13, 2008

Profile Portrait: Barcelona Street Dancer

Profile Portrait: Barcelona Street Dancer [enlarge]

Walking along Portal de L'Angel some members of Barcelona Photobloggers found a group of street dancers. We were pretty tired after a long day's photo walk but still gathered some strength to take some snaps. Here is a profile portrait I could catch of one of the hip hop dancers. He was crouching, arms resting on his knees as the rest of the members improvised. Soon his turn would come. Tomorrow I will show you what he was looking at.

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