Barcelona Photoblog

September 16, 2008

Savings Allegory Sculpture, Caixa de Pensions Building, Via Laietana, Barcelona

Savings Allegory Sculpture by Manuel Fuxà, Caixa de Pensions Building, Via Laietana, Barcelona [enlarge]

On April 1st of the year 1917 Caixa de Pensions i d’Estalvis de Barcelona building at Via Laietana, 56-58 was completed by famous Catalan architect and artist Enric Sagnier. Nowadays it is one of the venues of the Supreme Court of Catalonia. On one of the corners you will appreciate this sculptoric group which is an allegory to savings. Remember La Caixa is an important savings bank in Spain. The sculpture was made by Manuel Fuxà. Perhaps you want to see the whole facade of this neomedieval building in Via Laietana or want to investigate further on La Caixa and its founder.

September 15, 2008

The Kiss

Young couple kissing each other [enlarge]

Love is a topic I don't deal much in my posting because I think adding too much sweet may be noxious. Now that I slipped, I am going to suggest this photo essay called Famous Couples, a gallery with some of the twentieth's century great romances. Of course we would not have chosen many of those but there is one that helped me make up my mind about selecting the link: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.

September 14, 2008

Urban Street Dance in Barcelona

Urban Street Dance in Barcelona

And this is what the street dancer in yesterday's post was looking at, one member of his crew performing a freeze. Here is a video with a basic freeze guide. Please don't try this at home.

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