Barcelona Photoblog

September 26, 2008

Hot Suissos at La Granja Pallaresa, Carrer Petritxol, Barri Gotic

Desserts shelf at Granja La Pallaresa, Carrer Petritxol - Barcelona
Dessert shelf at Granja La Pallaresa - Barcelona

As I promised the other day in my Churros post, this is a detail of La Granja Pallaresa at Carrer Petritxol in Barri Gotic, one of the best places in the city to have a wonderful hot suisso, that is, chocolate with whipped cream on top.

You may try churros, porras or melindros with a swisso or suizo. Leave your diet at home if you have in mind to visit La Pallaresa.

Please check these recipes of menjar blanc (almond cream) and crema catalana (Catalan custard) which I noticed on the shelves after examining the picture closely.

By the way, Granja Dulcinea on the same street is also great.

In case you wonder what a granja is you should know that it means "farm" from "dairy farm" (originally granjas were shops selling dairy products).

September 25, 2008

Medieval Craft Trade Fair: Glass Miniatures

Medieval Craft Trade Fair: Glass Miniatures

During a medieval craft trade fair that was organized in a town called Suria I caught this artisan working the glass to create miniatures by means of a torch. It is hard for me to understand how medieval this craft can be considering the safety glasses he is wearing and the lighter but if they created this fair which is celebrated every year by the way, they should know better. Other trades and crafts were previously posted here: the stonecutter, the basket weaver, the collier, the potter.

September 24, 2008

Immigration in Barcelona, The New Catalans

Immigration in Barcelona, The New Catalans[enlarge]

Immigration is one of Barcelona's major concerns according to polls. Many times this concern grows parallel to the feeling of insecurity that is increasing lately. This leads to consciously or unconsciously blame immigrants who are an easy pray to racists or bigmouths of all sorts and social statuses. I wonder what such people would think if they were in their shoes.

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