Barcelona Photoblog

October 19, 2008

Evil Mask, Monistrol de Montserrat

Devil Mask, Monistrol de Montserrat [enlarge]

You know the devil disguises or manifests in oh so many ways. One day he may be McCain Trump himself, some other day the hideous child of our neighbors, maybe a cat, a pumpkin or simply an evil mask with firecrackers inside, as is the case of this one at Monistrol de Montserrat.

It was on one of the stalls of the market organized during the Fira de la Coca i el Mató 2008 (a local food fair).

Remember this fair at Monistrol has been featured here in the past, as for example in: Say Cheese.

I would like to go around with this for Halloween. In fact there was an old B movie where the devil himself wandered among the crowd for the famous celebration and everybody mocked at his attire, with tragic consequences, of course.

Follow label Monistrol below for more.

October 18, 2008

Wooden Toys, Las Ramblas Stall, Barcelona

wooden toys

Rambling Las Ramblas of Barcelona, camera on hand and nothing else to do, I decided to leave human statues alone for a while and concentrate on small details. Hundreds of souvenirs were shouting at me to be under the spotlight, to step into the limelight. Hey, me!. Forget about her! She's too ugly. I couldn't resist that urgent cry and headed for the little elf or whatever that was and gave him his moment of glory. Lady elf wasn't bad either. I suppose taking these wooden toys home would make your kids very happy or not?

And finally talking about tiny characters, did you know that every Saturday closest to June 25th the Smurfs celebrate their anniversary, Global Smurf Day?

October 17, 2008

Neocon Danger in Europe

Neocon danger protest sign

Apropos of this flashy protest sign warning us about the danger of neocon offensive attacks over Europe, I wondered what a neocon is after all. It sounds like Vietcom but it doesn't have anything to do with it obviously. I hate it when I use the wrong word to refer to something, so in order to avoid stupid mistakes like saying that ecologists are the new communists, as ex-president José María Aznar recently said, I sat and read some articles. Among them I found one titled So, what is a 'neocon'? which is quite illustrative. In spite of all the reading I jumped to the conclusion that this is a complex subject and that there are many possible lines of investigation considering each neocon and the scenario. You have to learn about weapons, state monopoly, powerful influences, factions, bankers, corruption, religious sects, pharmaceutical industries, vast media holdings and even evolutionist theories! But let's resume the article. Here are some key phrases that cleared some doubts: "...people who came to the realization that modern liberalism was not the kind of liberalism that they had subscribed to...", "...concerned about forging national crusades that can tap either the American public's patriotism or its desire for reform...", "...they are influential because they promote each other...", "...they say that America is a nation uniquely equipped as the sole remaining superpower to order the world and spread our values...". After I read this a new question started popping out in my mind: Is McCain a newcon? Given the evidence and according to analysts, he is. Following that line of thought I asked myself: Is José María Aznar a newcon? Yes, the man that proclaimed that global warming is not a scientific truth and that the process may not be affected by the human factor, is a newcon. If you want to meet the authentic newcon check Aznar, interviewed by the BBC. I think I understand the sign in the image a little bit now although it may have been drawn by "ecologists" of course.
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