Barcelona Photoblog

October 25, 2008

Metallica Drawing: Skeleton and Girl With Gun

Metallica Drawing: Skeleton and Girl With Gun

The post will not deal with the famous band, Metallica cause I am not a follower. I am just here for the artistic part of the drawing. I have to admit that I do like their ballads. Having said that I should tell you that I just liked the comics style and thought I might frame it at the stall where it was displayed. Then I thought that as Halloween was coming what better than something spooky. There were no pumpkins so I came up with skulls and bones. Here are two ballads you can listen too: One and Nothing Else Matters

October 24, 2008

Stones And Gems, Shapes, Light And Energy

Stones And Gems

Quartz or methacrylate , energy generating or not, you have to admit that faceted geometric objects when exposed to light do transmit a certain feeling of relaxation and can trigger a hypnotic state. You may remember your childhood for example, when you spent hours looking to the reflections of a prism under the sun. Is that the origin of greed? Is that what makes people go crazy about buying jewels?. I mean, gems are just mineral. Diamonds come from carbon, what makes it so precious? Everything lies in that fascination for stones, light and maybe some hidden energy that hooks us into collecting color crystals. The magic of mother Earth...This image was captured at a stall in a local market of a town called Monistrol.

October 23, 2008

Sugary Candy Treats: Jelly Candy or Gominolas


Still some time for Halloween but you can feel it round the corner, don't you? That gusty wind not only brings leaves but the echoes of witches too. Soon enough children will be knocking at your door, again! Time flies! Maybe jelly candy is not the right treat but they wouldn't say no, would they. They say eating too many can cause diabetes II, but what the heck, they are yummy. Sugar, starch, pectin, gum or gelatin make up some of the ingredients of these delicious sweets that come in all sorts of colors and flavors. Who hasn't got an indigestion of gummies right after watching a movie? Can you think of jelly candy names? We call them gominolas, here are some: Turkish delight, cola bottle gummies, gumdrops, gummi bears...

Now that the trick or treat ceremony is coming while don't you take a look at Halloween candy.

To create a mood let's suggest some Halloween photography tips found at Darren Rowse's (@problogger) Digital Photography School.
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