Barcelona Photoblog

November 19, 2008

USSR and US Medals at an Antique Shop in Barcelona

USSR and US Medals at Antique Shop,Barcelona

These medals represent or evoke important events in the history of USSR or the US. This image is the continuation to previous post: Antique Shops: German War Medals, Collecting a Horrible Past. Wars cannot be justified in any way, the mere fact that they exist means something is and was always wrong with humankind. Violence generates violence and sometimes you are drawn to it to defend your family, your land. These collectibles carry the memory of those that sacrificed their lives on some occasions for a better world, for survival, for next generations. In some other instances, they died in vain and were manipulated by their governments.

November 18, 2008

Antique Shops: German War Medals, Collecting a Horrible Past

German War Medals, Collecting a Horrible Past

I wasn't sure whether to publish this picture or not. Some things must be forgotten forever and this is a delicate topic that shouldn't be publicized in any way, purposely or by chance. Fortunately I have another image that clearly acts as a counterpart to this one. Well, both of the images contain medals, medals of war that were some day on some soldier's chest who was very proud to represent his country and was sent to war on many occasions without really comprehend the meaning or the goal of such war. But when we talk about the holocaust (some medals here are older) there is no possible forgiveness regarding those who were represented by some medals here cause no national policy or belief can justify genocide. Once said that I just wanted to contrast these antique articles in a small shop in Barcelona with some other medals displayed representing USSR or the US.

November 17, 2008

Cagatio or Pooping Log, A Christmas Catalan Tradition

Cagatio or Pooping Log, A Christmas Tradition in Catalonia

Another ancestral tradition of the Catalan people consists in bringing children in front of this magic log called Cagatio (pooping log) so it "excretes" Christmas gifts. Yes, the wooden buddy is supposed to poop those hidden treasures that kids pick up from under a red blanket conveniently covering the figure.

Before introducing their hands they are encouraged to repeatedly hit the log using a rod just in case, to warn the tió he'd better do as he's told. In the meantime, relatives or school friends, depending on the situation, sing this familiar song of which I will translate an excerpt. It is a folk song and popular lyrics tend to be rather "vulgar" so please overlook the many poops. First phrase is in Catalan and second in Spanish.

Caga tió -caga tió- poop tió,
ametlles i torró -almendras y turrón- almonds and nougat,
no caguis arangades -no cagues arenques- do not poop brined herring,
que són massa salades -que son demasiado salados- cause it's too salty,
caga torrons -caga turrones- do poop nougat,
que són més bons -que son más buenos- that is more tasty,
Caga tió -caga tió- poop tió,
ametlles i torró -almendras y turrón- almonds and nougat,
si no vols *** -si no quieres ***- if you refuse,
et donaré un cop de bastó -te daré un golpe de bastón- I'll hit you with this rod,
Caga tió! -caga tió- poop tió!
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