Barcelona Photoblog

February 05, 2009

Modernist Gate at Els Quatre Gats Tavern, Carrer Montsio 3 bis, Barcelona

Modernist Gate at Els Quatre Gats Tavern, Carrer Montsio 3 bis, Barcelona

You wonder sometimes what Catalan Art Nouveau artists had in mind when they let go their imagination till their artwork almost reached the level of absurdity often sacrificing functionality for the sake of beauty. Take the case of the ironwork on this modernist gate.

Obviously you could easily jump over the gate, I don't think anyone would get hurt with those "sharp" pod-like points but aren't they cute!.

You can find this gate at Montsió street near Portal de l'Angel, specifically at the modernista Casa Marti and tavern Els Quatre Gats which opened in 1897

The wrought ironwork belongs to artist Manuel Ballarín i Lancuentra

Check the history of Els Quatre Gats, to have a better idea of this must-see place located in one of those small streets you would probably not see on a quick visit.

February 01, 2009

Spanish Traditional Dance: The Jota

Spanish Traditional Dance: The Jota

One of the best known traditional dances in Spain is what is known as La Jota (the same name as letter J).

It probably originated in the region of Aragon although there are different forms in other regions like Valencia, Castile, Navarra, etc. Dancers move in this peculiar way elevating their legs as if they were doing some kind of fouetté combined with waltz like movements. In the meantime, they play the castanets with arched elevated arms.

Other members in the company sing popular songs and play typical string instruments like the bandurria. This is a very simple explanation but I guess you get the idea. I published some posts not long ago about jotas:

Baturricos Playing Bandurrias
Three Jota Singers from Aragon
Jota Dancer

January 30, 2009

Modernist Lamp Ironwork: Imaginative Design

Modernist Street Lamp Ironwork by Falques on Avinguda Gaudi, Barcelona

Near Sagrada Familia and all along Avinguda Gaudi you come across beautiful modernist lamps like the one in this picture. Well this is only a detail of the wonderful design of the ironwork. Check the modernist lamp at Gaudi Avenue on my Google Maps. Finding here in full view in this other post:

Lamp post by Falques, Avinguda Gaudi, Barcelona

Look at this other beautiful street lamp near Arc de Triomf by Pere Falques.
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