Barcelona Photoblog

May 03, 2009

Lichen Detail

Lichen Detail [enlarge]

A detail of some lichen on a tree and a little playing with macro option on my 70 - 300 mm and dof. I stood under the tree and pointed upwards along the bark. Here is an old post showing more lichen: Lichen on Ancient Rock

May 01, 2009

Gummy Candy

Gummy Candy  [enlarge]

The dream of every child, mountains of gummy candy triggering the wildest fantasies in the back of their minds, with funny shapes and delicious flavors. I thought this was going to be an easy picture but to my surprise I had a lot of problem with predominant yellow from the incandescent light and white balance. I am not completely satisfied but the large version came out somewhat acceptable in the end. I hope you like it.

April 28, 2009

Dragon and Umbrella at La Rambla, Barcelona


I brought you today a new picture I took of a subject included here in a previous post: the Dragon and Umbrella figures presiding over Las Ramblas at the top floor of an old umbrella store. Details can be read there so I just want to support that with an improved image. Please check: Casa Bruno Quadros: Modernisme or Eclectic Whim and Las Ramblas: Dragon and Umbrella Photo.

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