Barcelona Photoblog

May 26, 2009

Passatge de Bacardi, Placa Reial, Barcelona

Passatge de Bacardi, Placa Reial, Barcelona [enlarge]

Plaça Reial is one of the must-see squares in Barcelona by many reasons. Because of the restaurants and bars, the night life, the music, the shade offered by the wonderful archways, the magnificent architecture, the palm trees. But one of the most interesting features to enjoy is the nearby hidden passages. This one is called Passatge de Bacardi and you can find it upon entering the square turning right. It has an exit to La Rambla so it is possible to enter the passage in direction to the square instead of using the main access to Plaza Real. When you see the map you will have a better idea. The image has some noise. I did all my best to rescue it. I was worried about capturing the nuns and I couldn't control that strong light coming through the glass ceiling so the walls went too dark.
View Passatge Bacardi in a map

May 24, 2009

Barcelona Coastline

Barcelona View [enlarge]

Not the first time I show the view from Montjuic but I hope in the larger image, which you can see upon clicking on this smaller version, the result pleases you. I still haven't found the right time of the day nor the proper lens to make it look sharper and attractive. I tried to keep the right colors and contrast. Maybe not too realistic a result, but the skies and clouds have this sort of Japanese cartoon happy mood that finally made me repeat this post.

May 22, 2009

Captive Vulture


Vultures, feed on corpses or carrion. Scavengers as they are they do the dirty job for us like many creatures in this world who are there for something. They keep the delicate balance, the ecological equilibrium. Take a look at that bill used to tear dead meat apart, the perfect tool for a nauseating task. Imagine this vulture gliding above the Iberian peninsula spotting putrid preys. What a wonderful invention of nature, a spontaneous garbage man that only works for the food. Isn't that great? This guy was captive though and doesn't have the chance to go on a cleaning spree often. The picture I took in Cim d'Aligues mentioned in: Golden Eagle and Girl Holding Eagle.
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