Barcelona Photoblog

June 23, 2009

Ferran Street As Seen From La Rambla, Barcelona

Ferran Street As Seen From La Rambla, Barcelona [enlarge]

First of all I suggest you click on the image for the larger size in which you will better appreciate old Carrer de Ferran (Ferran is Fernando in Spanish), a long street that goes from La Rambla (see plaque on left top corner) to Sant Jaume square right at the other end. Notice pedestrians have preference here although some cars do circulate. Besides the attractive modernist lamps there are some interesting shops and restaurants. I have always enjoyed this view on Ferran street cause there are no obstacles in the way. I mean, you can see far away and the buildings on both sides are aligned in perfect symmetry.

June 19, 2009

Afternoon Relax

Couple sitting on bench in the afternoon [enlarge]

I am having some kind of kit kat moment along the way. I hope you don't mind. I chose this snap I took at Maremagnum shopping center cause it shows more or less how I want to be like, relaxed and enjoying the view. I guess it is the sight of future holidays around the corner what makes you reach a sort of peak in the graph of our life. You work all year long, nothing changes but when they show you a glimpse of how you could be doing instead of wasting your time at the office then that mental strength of yours starts crumbling down. It's like a race and the moment right before the finish line. Look at that seagull, can't you see it honey?

June 15, 2009

Thirsty Like A Dog

thirsty dog [enlarge]

I don't like cliches and showing dogs, cats or any pets, you know, is kind of a classic. But this one was a thirsty dog and it can help illustrate the arrival of hot temperatures in Barcelona. I just liked the way the lady calmed the animal's thirst, directly from the bottle. Other than that this is just another picture of a dog.

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