Barcelona Photoblog

July 10, 2009

Snake Eagle at Cim d'Aligues

Snake Eagle's Detail [enlarge]

In order to foster the animal lover in you even though you arrived in here searching for Barcelona photos, I want to show you this nice specimen I was able to capture with my camera at Cim dels Aligues (Eagles' Peak): A Snake Eagle. I hope I am not in a mistake as to identifying the animal. Nevertheless, bird watchers or zoologists could help me with taxonomy here.

July 05, 2009

Maori Lady Dancing at Port Aventura

Maori Girl Dances at Port Aventura [enlarge]

A maori girl dancing under the sun at Port Aventura amusement park, her dress flashing with colors and her hands waving gently at the sound of traditional music. I have always wondered how they manage to have such wonderful looking skin all year long considering they are living in Catalonia. It must be something in their genes I guess. Anyway, if you visit the park don't miss their show, it is a must-see.

Update and correction: Thanks to the kind observation by Amy of Maungaturoto Daily Photo, New Zealand, the lady is definitely a Polinesian dancer. In fact, if I am not in a mistake this show was called Aloha Tahiti and the whole theme area of the park is called Polinesia! Either I have to quit on booze or take a good rest and stop writing my posts so late at night. The only explanation I can find to this terrible mistake is that the dance, specially the men's dance looks very similar to a maori dance at least to the European eye. As my intention is to inform and not to misinform I am happy someone like Amy helped me with this one.

July 03, 2009

Cafe Zurich - Lamps

Lamps at Zurich Cafe, Barcelona, Spain

Decoration snapshots are not too frequent in my catalog but I take it that many are interested in other aspects of Barcelona like is the case of interior decoration. Don't ask me why I took a picture of these lamps, maybe it was the place and its name. If you are in the city you can see them too at Cafe Zurich, located just in front of La Rambla and Catalonia Square. Here is an outdoor picture published recently: Cafe Zurich - Terrace. I asked my daughter if she liked the photograph, she said that not much, specially showing that guy on the mirror. I love it when my 12-year-old gets that honest and gives me bad reviews, it really helps keeping my feet on the ground and being less stuck-up.
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