Barcelona Photoblog

November 19, 2009

Looking for the Perfect Chocolate Display, La Boqueria Market, Barcelona

Chocolate Display, La Boqueria Market, Barcelona, Spain [enlarge]

Whether you are on a strict pre-winter-holiday diet like me or you are prone to go on an unleashed dessert-swallowing spree more than often convinced as you are that gluttony is no sin, you have to admit that an attractive display is 90 percent responsible for our brains to start sending green light signals to our less rational stomach. Take the case of this impeccable chocolate stand display so well kept by this young employee at renown Barcelonian market, La Boqueria.

November 16, 2009

Boatman Rowing - Parc de la Ciutadella Lake, Barcelona

Boatman Rowing - Parc de la Ciutadella Lake, Barcelona [enlarge]

Rowing is not as easy as it seems. Everyone getting on board of a boat for the first time stranded in the middle of one of those beautiful park lakes will probably agree with me that coordinating both arms to make the ship move in the right direction is not a piece of cake, so guess what it should be like towing almost a dozen boats the way this dexterous boatman does in the Parc de la Ciutadella. Should you want to row a boat on the lake, check the price:

30 Minutes:

2 Persons 6 EUR
3 Persons 9 EUR
4/5 Persons 10 EUR

November 15, 2009

Graffiti from Barcelona, Spain

Graffiti from Barcelona, Spain [enlarge]

Just another sample of good Barcelonian graffiti. Street art is everywhere in our city. Maybe too much sometimes but when nice it is really refreshing and stimulating.

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