Barcelona Photoblog

December 11, 2009

Dragonfly: I am Watching You!

Dragonfly on a leaf [enlarge]

The chopper silently watched from atop, sensing every single movement of the stealthy squad approaching from the bush. They say they can only see from orange to UV but detect movements separated by 1/300th of a second and have almost 360º vision from their rack of 30000 telescopes on each side of their cabin. Darn, I've got to be invisible! Loading weapons, fire! That's it! Tango reporting to headquarters, the chopper is down, I repeat, the enemy is down. We've got the Dragonfly!!!

This war fiction on dragonflies and their resemblance with helicopters has been possible thanks to this wonderful article: Sight and Flight.

December 09, 2009

Still Life: Wild Partridge Showcase, La Boqueria Market, Barcelona

Wild Partridge Showcase, La Boqueria Market, Barcelona, Spain

Like a painting depicting hunting trophies or a still life portraying dead animals, specially those of hares and birds, appeared before my eyes, imbued with a ghostly bluish-yellowish light, the wild game stand in La Boqueria market. From the mixture of species on display, I cropped this rack of wild partridges so you could take a good peek at the strange artistic beauty that inspired painters in the past, at that mysterious blend of nature, food, life and death evoked with traditional austerity in many Spanish bodegones where dead animals hung from a hook waiting to be skinned and free of any banquet luxury or adornment so often present in similar paintings from other countries in Baroque times. I know this is just a picture of dead wild partridges and you may not find it artistic at all but I wanted you to think about this aspect of painting and the peculiar relationship between art, men and dead animals regarded as something aesthetic.

December 06, 2009

Mammoth At Large - Park de la Ciutadella, Barcelona

Mammoth - Park de la Ciutadella, Barcelona, Spain  [enlarge]

Beware of the mammoth! Yes, a mammoth is at large somewhere amidst the fountains, the promenades, the pavilions in Parc de la Ciutadella, Barcelona. Don't say I didn't warn you when you step on the glade and there's no one but you and the beast. Luckily I had time to fire the flash of my camera and sneaked away in the bush. You may not be that fortunate. Now being a little more serious, let me tell you that this stone mammoth was built based upon a model by sculptor Miquel Dalmau and as part of an initiative of Norbert Font i Sagué (1874-1910), writer, geologist and renown speleologist. Thanks to Norbert Font speleology was first introduced in Catalonia.

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