Barcelona Photoblog

November 28, 2009

Stretching at Parc de la Ciutadella, Barcelona

Outdoor Push ups, Parc de la Ciutadella, Barcelona, Spain

The man was really doing some light push ups as part of his stretching routine possibly before starting jogging.

Parc de la Ciutadella is the perfect place to practice outdoor sports early in the morning but bear in mind that on certain days this hot spot in flooded with people engaged in some cultural activity. Have a nice weekend my friends.

Check other posts about Ciutadella park that give you an idea of the superb scenario to practice open sports: Cascade Ciutadella Fountain or Barcelona Trees: Our City Lungs

November 27, 2009

Barcelona Tram: Route T4 Start Point, Ciutadella - Villa Olimpica

Barcelona Tram: Route T4 [enlarge]

This is the start point of T4, one of the Barcelona Tram routes, going from Ciutadella (Olympic Villa) to Sant Adria. To be more specific it is at the end of Wellington street just next to the zoo entrance. To digress a little, I would like to remark how difficult it is for me to choose a proper, original title for a post. Difficult in the sense that I am always conditioned by SEO to make my site noted on the web. To tell you the truth, the sole fact of being so tied to niches, keyword phrases and so on is really a nuisance aka a pain in the a**. Maybe now you'd say, well go ahead and choose whatever title you want. Well, perhaps you wouldn't be reading this cause the post would be lost at the bottom of Google's obscure twilight zone. Yep, I am clearly digressing now. I should have called this something in the way from A Street Car Name T4 to Wheelchair Adapted Transportation. Does anybody know how to give artistic titles to a post and make it hit first pages of Google search results? I would like to give details about our modern tram system but there are sites offering great information on this and this blog is not associated in any way with Tram BCN. Where was I?...

November 25, 2009

Colored Stone Wall

Colored Stone Wall [enlarge]

What can I say. This is a wall. Originally a very dull one. The place, somewhere in Barcelona. Another play with colors and textures. Hope you like my stone wall.

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